Nov. 20th, 2015 (Fri.) New England College; Downtown Concord, NH SOLO ACOUSTIC Time: 7:00pm Address: Main Street; Concord, NH 03301
– I’ll be playing a 50 min. set starting at 7:30pm sharp.
December 5th, 2015 (Sat.) @ River Hill Grange Community Hall; Concord, NH
River Hill Grange Concert Series Presents:
The 5th Annual X-Mas Jamboree at the Grange Sets by: Matt Poirier, Mike Sullivan, Poirier & Sullivan Duo, and The Shed-Necks
Time: 8pm / $5 suggested donation at door Address: 32 Horsehill Rd. Concord, NH 03301 Info:
As usual, this is a BYOB event. Please help spread the word by sharing this with your friends.
The River Hill Grange Concert Series is a unique musical experience which focuses on bringing great live music to music lovers in an intimate setting….